15 January 2008 David Appleby. After graduating from Frognall with a Permanent Commission as an Aeronautical Engineer in Jan 72, I served at Edinburgh (11 Sqn), HQSC (AEENG4 - Aircrew Safety Equipment), RAAFSTT at Wagga as OIC Engine Flight then a stint as OIC Mechanical Trades Squadron. This was followed by an abbreviated term at the Australian Embassy Washington D.C. The posting was for three years, but the job was cut after 12 months. I have a lovely plaque given to me by guys at Pratt & Whitney which is inscribed "Arrived 19 Dec 80, Expelled 31 Dec 81". It was back to HQSC again in the Command Maintenance team and then as the Aircraft Maintenance Flight Officer (effectively SENGO) at Maintenance Squadron East Sale. I arrived there in early December 83, unfortunately, just in time to experience the Roulette head-on mid-air accident that claimed the lives of two pilots - Flt Lt. Steve Carter and Flt. Lt. Graeme "Blue" Brooks. Canberra finally caught up with me on promotion to Wing Commander and I started there in Technical Facilities and then as Head of Scientific & Technical Intelligence - Air Force at the Joint (now Defence) Intelligence Organisation.
While at the RAAF School of Technical Training, Wagga I organised the RAAF support team for Ken WARBY (www.kenwarby.com), who successfully set (and still holds) the current world water speed record of 317 mph or 511 kph at Blowering Dam in October 1978.
In 1988 I completed the NSW Industrial Mobilisation Course, whilst based at Canberra. Being the Bicentennial year, it included many special events such as the celebrations on Sydney Harbour and the Air Show at RAAF Richmond.
In 1992 I was the initial Air Force Commercial Support Program Tier 2 Manager. This led to me developing a strong interest in market-testing and out-sourcing (contracting of services). I was involved in these types of activities until I left the RAAF (actually transferred to the general Reserve) in February 2000 with the rank of Wing Commander. When in Canberra, I was the president of the Murrumbateman Rural Fire Brigade, and through that involvement served as an OVIP (Olympic Volunteers
in Policing) at the Sydney Olympic Games on security duties. After leaving the RAAF in 2000 I worked for the City of Melbourne (Melbourne City Council) as Team Leader Contract Services. While living in Melbourne, I was an Area Coordinator for Neighbourhood Watch at Highett, Victoria and umpired grade cricket in the Victorian Turf Cricket Association. My umpiring began in Canberra in 1988. In October 2007, I transferred to Canberra so that my wife, Ro, and I could be closer to our 3 grandchildren. I now work for eVALUA Pty Ltd as a Senior Consultant. ** see below
My other interests include being handy around the house (after all I live there), using computers, making video home movies and editing them to DVDs, following most sports and Collingwood Football Club. I have three children: two daughters (35 and 28), and a son (32). My son has two daughters (6 and 2) and my youngest daughter has a son (6 months).
- Procurement Solutions
- Electronic Tendering and Evaluation - Hosted Service
- Procurement Evaluation Software
- 'One stop' end to end tendering services, from development of requirements, through the tendering process, and also contract negotiation.
- Decision Support Systems for Military and Civil users
- Project Management
- Systems Engineering
- Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Software Solutions

** Here is a bit about the company and my role.
eVALUA is a privately owned consultancy and software development company, headquartered in Canberra with a branch in Melbourne. It specialises in:
eVALUA's Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods are supported by VFMFocus, VFMOnline, eTender Box and Monsarrat software tools. All eVALUA software is a developed locally, in-house. eTenderBox - is an electronic web based tender box, that provides clients with a fully functional tendering system integrated with the look and feel of their web site.
VFMFocus and VFMOnline help to select the best value for money option for projects where there are multiple factors, complexity and risk. As the evaluation structure, the risk profiles and the compliance criteria are all user definable, the tool can be used in an almost infinite number of situations.
Monsarrat II provides a systematic approach to decision making in capability management, through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The methodology applies four tenets: Structure, Benchmarking, Traceability and Consistency Role
My role is to consult on "Procurement Solutions". The role involves facilitating procurements by providing the services listed above under the heading "Procurement Solutions" and facilitating the use of eTender Box, VFMFocus and VFMOnline. My current projects are Joint Project 2077 2D for Defence Materiel Organisation and as the eTender Box Control Officer for Sydney University.
Role My role is to consult on "Procurement Solutions". The role involves facilitating procurements by providing advice on the tendering and evaluation process and facilitating the use of eTender Box, VFMFocus and VFMOnline.
My work contact details are as follows
Appointment: Senior Consultant Company: eVALUA Pty Ltd
66B Maryborough Street
Tel: (02) 6228 1904
Mob: 0415 441 786
Email at work: dave.appleby@evalua.com.au
Email at home: dave_appleby@optusnet.com.au
21/11/07 Ken McLeod writes.. After finally graduating from Frognall in 1972, I began a long association with the C130 aircraft at RAAF Richmond. In between postings to Richmond I worked in the P3 project office in Canberra; mentored a bunch of Frognall cadets at Pearce, WA; conducted maintenance staff visits from HQOC; oversaw the demise of AIRENG 1 in Melbourne; became the first CO of the Air Lift Logistics Management Squadron and watched Lockheed build the C130J in Marietta Georgia.
After 35 years Iretired from the Air Force at Glenbrook and took up a capability management job at Glenbrook, with Ball Solutions Group. Following 4 years with BSG I was offered reappointment to the Air Force and have just taken up a new job at RAAF Richmond. I am married to Christine and have two daughters.
5/11/07 Garry Haensel A46142 No 1 Business Studies Course 1968-1970 Canberra
I arrived from Adelaide at Diploma Cadet Squadron, Frognall in January 1968 to complete a diploma in Business Studies - Accountancy. Our course, No 1 Business Studies, consisted of seven cadets, a small number compared to the 70-80 engineering cadets starting at the same time. After graduation, I served for 32½ years in 'equippo' postings such as Laverton, Support Command, Wagga and Canberra. After retiring in 2000, I did some reserve work in logistics policy until early 2006. I am now fully retired, and indulge in reading and travelling. I met Jan, my wife, one afternoon at one of our football matches in 1969. From our times at Frognall, we would take with us lasting friendships - we can enjoy each other's company after all these 40-odd years.
We need some
photos here....
28/10/07 Bruce Green writes.. After Frognall stayed in the RAAF until resignation in 2002 after serving 34 years. More significant posting locations were Lae PNG 1977-79, Montgomery Alabama 1982, Sacramento California 1983-85, Washington DC 1998-2000. After exceptionally enjoyable career moved across to Defence Department as a civilian and am now working in International Logistics with desk officer responsibilities for countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and our major allies (US, Canada and UK). We look after international logistics arrangements that are necessary for the ADF to operate in coalition with other countries and also participate in defence logistics engagement in the region.
Married to Robyn Green nee Redding (who could have met me in 1968 at dancing classes at Camberwell Civic Centre, but waited until we ran across each other in Madrid in 1974 - wise girl !!). We have three fine sons Benjamin, Daniel and Jeremy aged 26, 23 and 19 respectively. Regards, Bruce
16/9/07 Trevor Norris - Tevor works for Qantas in melbourne and will be attending the reunion.
8/9/07 Danny Boyling Danny works for John Holland in Sydney and is planning to attend the reunion.
September 2 2007 Peter Russo Dear Rod, Barry White has let me know about the Frognall reunion in Nov. I am helping out on the farm up in Nth Qld and won't be able to make the reunion. Regards, Peter
August 28 2007 Ralph Waters Dear All, It is just three months until the reunion in Melbourne on Nov 23 (Oxford pub for blokes from 5pm), Nov 24 (venue to be advised for main event with partners) and Nov 25 (bar-b-que lunch on St Kilda beach).
If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to visit the Frognall web site at www.frognall.com and the password is "reunion 07". Click on contacts and you will see the names we have for the various courses. There is a bit of blending as people moved between courses but that is less critical than having all the relevant names and contact details.
Would you please review the contact lists and advise of any names that should be there that aren't. Also, there are a lot of names for whom we as yet have no contact details and while we are endeavouring to find them, that is time consuming and any assistance would be appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you and seeing as many as possible in Melb. Ralph
Aug 21 2007 John Baker Rod You have a tiger by the tail. My new email address is john_carmel@hotmail.com - I left my job at Powercor some months ago, hence the crook address. I'm a starter but not sure if I will be at all three events (I'm getting on). Will check with my partner (Carmel) re her attendance and let you know. Thanks for organising this. Regards John (R Baker)
Aug 13, 2007 Peter Cupitt All, Sorry I cannot make it but my wife has had that weekend reserved for some time now and I do not dare upset she who must be obeyed. Peter Cupitt